A few years ago I published A Letter to the Korean American Church. It was a project of love, both to the church and to my native people. God had put on my heart to write something to point people of all nations to a Christ centered identity and faith. I have been blessed to meet many new people through my book as they have shared how they were both encouraged and blessed by the text. These include students, pastors, people who have left the church, and even many non-Koreans!
I always seek to find new ways to bring glory to the Lord and share the beauty of Christ with others. One being Prodigal Korea, which originally started as a tiny side project. My original idea was to just share the testimonies of believers to encourage others who may be going through similar difficulties due to the cultural chains that they may carry. However, through these past years, through meeting others who have made documentaries, have experience in film, and through encouragement of others, Prodigal Korea grew from a small amateur project to a full blown documentary!
That's right, the Lord has provided me some gifted people this past year that has opened up the opportunity to make this a full blown film! Our producer, Alyssa Givens has experience in short film and has been a tremendous factor in kickstarting this project! I also want to introduce my Director of Photography, Ruthie Grumbine, who has tremendous experience in camerawork and film. These ladies are just two of the many examples of people that the Lord has been putting in my life for this project.